Thursday 26 September 2013

Jai Alai sports

So last September 8 I was lucky to be able to see for the first time people actually playing Jai Alai. I don't know the mechanics of the game but I saw them throwing the ball with the "thing" and catching it with that too.

Abandoned blog? :(

I woke up at 2:30 am earlier and I noticed it was raining then my tummy talked to me. She said she's hungry so I must eat. lol then I checked the fridge and saw a left over from dinner. It was beef stake also know as bistek. I pulled it out, got myself a pan then I noticed that there's a sign on our stove. It says "Wag gamitin, SIRA!!" wow would you look at that. I gathered my belongings (pan, beef stake, rice etc.) and went to our other house and cooked or rather "initin" so yeah, that's about it.