Wednesday 2 October 2013

Abangers. :(( (Or baka napaka judgemental ko lang. :D)

Well this is a story/interpretation of Love, Friendship, maybe forgiveness and acceptance.

      I was stalking my good old friendster & facebook buddy, GCR. We didn't actually met in person but we became friends waaaaay back friendster time. We would exchange testimonials on each other's page and he would make some ambigram for me. It's a pity cause I forgot to download it. 
      We were both up to date on each other. Then.. this girl came along. She sent me a friend request (still on friendster era) then I immediately accepted her. I noticed that she's in a relationship at that time. Then as time passed, GCR and I weren't talking that much well maybe because I was busy on other things and forget to check up on him. Months passed still no communication or whatsoever. And one day.. I decided to pay a visit to his profile and saw that he's now with the girl. I was happy for him! Seriously! I didn't know what to say to him since he didn't formally introduced his girlfriend to me so I decided to keep a low profile. Haha. I would see them exchange sweet words, words that'll overwhelm almost every girl. Not exaggerating though. :D I would see them endlessly searching for songs to dedicate to each other. They were almost perfect for each other. Well, that's what I thought. You see, he's from Rizal while the girl is from Lucena. Yes, it's LDR. 
      A year or two have passed and I forgot about them and moved to facebook. Then suddenly I realized it's been quite a while and I needed to catch up with them. I searched their names, one by one and hit a stone. Yey! Well I guess I've changed or maybe he forgot about me. He didn't recognized me. I said we were friends on friendster. He accepted me and began chatting again. I noticed that they were no longer together. I dug deep on their friendster to confirm my suspicions. All of their sweet messages, poems, letters, and pictures were no longer there. We you see, my friend here was an "Emo" back then, including me. lol so I guess he got bitter or something. Mean while the girl didn't have facebook account yet so almost every week I search her name out and turns out that I was wrong. She did have an account. I saw some mutual friends and apparently GCR wasn't there. Since they have mutual friends, they would find themselves indirectly talking. The she decided to end that and added him as a friend. She was with a different guy at that time. Weeks and I guess months passed, they broke up (the girl and the other guy.) I don't know what happened but since then, they were talking again, exchanging comments and stuffs. He would draw something for her. Well here's an example.
I guess there's still a part of him that loves her. There were A LOT of drawings for her. She would constanly bother hm (in a good way). I don't know what happened next but she began "courting" him telling that she still loves him and all those stuffs. And to cut the story short, they went back together. I can sense he's happy again, ready to let go of the past and face a new one with her...once more. Then they were rarely on social networking sites...but still together. :)
      This year, I guess March or something, he changed his status to single. Yep, they broke up again. Well that's about it I guess. Then he posted his drawing.

(Same person but at that time he got a new haircut to start from scratch again. The little doll is his ex lover)

      Now, where's the "Abangers" part and stuffs? Here comes the weird part as I may say. GCR has a best friend I mean like Patrick and Spongebob. They were inseparable. That's good right? Or is it? I stalked the girl today and what I saw caught me off guard. I saw her in a relationship with who else? Yes, his best friend. I didn't expect that. 

I checked GCR's facebook and he's still in good terms with his best friend. He even drew something for him.

Tatagalugin ko na to. Hahaha.
Ewan ko pero siguro tinanggap nya nalang. Pero I'm betting you guys, napaka sakit nyan. Alam kong it's none of my business pero I just can't help it. Parang I feel sorry for GCR eh hindi nya naman deserve yun or lahat tayo hindi deserve yun. Para bang pasintabi na lang din dun sa kaibigan mo unless wala na talagang pakialam si GCR dun. Hay. 

I feel you, man. Alam ko yang pinagdaanan mo. 

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